HE Ren,WANG Jian,YIN Liang,YAN Aihua,ZHANG Ning,HE Qian,ZHANG Hongming,FU Hao.Design and Application of HWM-280 Packing Machine for Transparent Paper of Cigar Stick Box[J].Packaging Engineering,2025,(5):141-147.
Design and Application of HWM-280 Packing Machine for Transparent Paper of Cigar Stick Box
中文关键词: 雪茄  条盒  透明纸  透明纸包装机  机械化包装
英文关键词: cigar  box  transparent paper  transparent paper packing machine  mechanized packing
贺韧 湖北中烟工业有限责任公司武汉 430050 
王剑 湖北中烟工业有限责任公司武汉 430050 
尹亮 湖北中烟工业有限责任公司武汉 430050 
闫爱华 湖北中烟工业有限责任公司武汉 430050 
张宁 湖北中烟工业有限责任公司武汉 430050 
何钱 湖北中烟工业有限责任公司武汉 430050 
张宏铭 湖北中烟工业有限责任公司武汉 430050 
浮浩 湖北中烟工业有限责任公司武汉 430050 
      目的 解决传统手工包装雪茄条盒透明纸时工作效率低、人工成本高等问题。方法 经过研究,设计一种雪茄条盒透明纸的自动包装机,该包装机主要由进料机构、透明纸储存机构、透明纸输送机构、折叠热封机构、美容机构等组件组成。结果 以某品牌的雪茄烟为对象,对该包装机进行测试,结果表明,设备运行平稳可靠,条盒透明纸的包装由手工作业的1条/min提升到机械化包装的4条/min,包装效率提升400%,同时降低了人工成本,保证了产品的均质化要求。结论 该包装机实现了雪茄条盒透明纸的机械化包装,符合雪茄条盒透明纸包装的工艺要求,具有较高的推广应用价值。
      The work aims to solve the problem of low work efficiency and high labor costs in traditional manual wrapping of transparent paper for cigar box. After analysis and research, an automatic packing machine for transparent paper of cigar box was designed and made. The machine was composed of a feeding mechanism, a transparent paper storage mechanism, a transparent paper conveying mechanism, a folding and sealing mechanism for edges and corners, and a cosmetic mechanism. With a specific brand of cigar as the object, the packing machine was tested, demonstrating that the equipment operated smoothly and reliably. The packing efficiency of the transparent paper for the cigar boxes increased from 1 box per minute (manual operation) to 4 boxes per minute (mechanized packing), representing a 400% improvement in packaging efficiency, reducing the labor costs and ensuring the homogenization of the products. The automatic packing machine for transparent paper of cigar box meets the process requirements for packing and has a high value for promotion and application.
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