李坤全,文睿.瓦楞纸板生产线原纸张力自适应模糊PID控制[J].包装工程,,():. |
瓦楞纸板生产线原纸张力自适应模糊PID控制 |
Adaptive Fuzzy PIDPaper Tension Control in Production Line for Corrugated Board |
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中文关键词: 张力控制 瓦楞纸板 自适应模糊PID控制 参数自整定 |
英文关键词: tension control corrugated board adaptive fuzzy PID control parameter auto tuning |
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目的 为了解决张力控制不稳定会对瓦楞纸板质量和生产效率产生影响的问题。方法 根据放卷辊的动力学分析,建立瓦楞纸板原纸张力数学模型,并分析张力稳定的主要因素。针对传统PID控制不能实现原纸张力控制过程中参数的自适应调整,提出一种变论域自适应模糊PID控制策略,采用变论域模糊控制实现控制参数自整定和控制规则的自调整,并将其应用于原纸张力控制系统中。结果 仿真结果表明,该张力控制策略的响应时间约为0.65 s,最大超调量为3%。结论 所设计的控制方法与传统的PID控制相比,具有响应速度快、抗干扰能力强、控制输出稳定等优点,能够实现原纸张力的稳定控制。 |
英文摘要: |
In order to solve the influence of tension control instability on the quality and production efficiency of corrugated cardboard.Based on volume and dynamic analysis, the establishment of the corrugated base paper tension in the mathematical model, and analysis the main factors leading to the stable tension. According to the traditional PID control cannot achieve the base paper tension control in the process of adaptive parameter adjustment, put forward a kind of variable domain adaptive fuzzy PID control strategy, using the variable universe fuzzy control to realize the control parameter self integration and control rules of the self adjustment, and its application in base paper tension control system.The simulation results show that the response time of the tension control strategy is about 0.65 s, and the maximum overshoot is 3%.The control methods which were designed compared with the traditional PID control, has fast response speed and anti-interference ability, stable control advantages, to achieve stable control of the original paper. |
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